Burial Grounds
Long days are bored by culture and sunlight.
As evening draws in, time tires of making lines and circles
and drives dark sounds downwards with mysterious force.
They seep through tender ground, shuddering drunkenly
before the spirit of the earth, and become slight songs
who shed their graces at the gates of a half-marble kingdom
wedged underground by daemons.
Columns hold back soil in an endless struggle with degradation
to protect remnants of the dead
who are clothed by neither map nor discipline
who wait with mossy throats and tangled hair
in a fog of anticipation.
Most noise is silenced in this world
but an echo crawls between brittle lungs
to awaken her voice with a jet of blood
pained with the freshness of near life.
A sound escapes Death’s punctuation,
but her body will stay in this chasm of stale air and waxen hands
sealed by pitch turned over with flowers.
So she lies dreaming of geometry when she enters half-sleep,
guiding breezes beneath broken arches of shadows
with a voice like a wound filled with dark water.